My Photos

A Cape Weaver in the Drakensburg. We camped under a tree with Weavers nests in it.

A Cape Wagtail hopping around the campsite. We found that the Wagtails in the Drakensburg were extremly tame.

These are some Spottedbacked Weavers across the road from our house. The one on the right is a female and the one to the left, a male.  

 Despite their cute appearence, Barn Owls, like this one at the African Bird of Prey Sanctuary outside Pietermaritzburg, are fierce hunters.

 Peacocks are beautiful, although they are aleins.

Fiscal Shrikes catch mice, small birds, insects, and Lizards.  

 An African Spoonbill and a Spur-winged Goose. The Birds at the Durban Botanical gardens were extremely tame. 

A Greater Kestrel at the African Bird of Prey Sanctuary. These little raptors live in the more arid areas of South Africa.

This beautiful raptor is called a Bearded Vulture or a Lammergiar. They are Critically Endangered in South Africa, and are restricted to the Drakensberg Mountains and the Eastern Cape, though, like the Egyptian Vulture, they live in other parts of the world, too. This Lammergiar is the only one in captivity in South Africa. 

A Barn Swallow sitting on a sign in the Drakensburg.   

A male Thick-billed Weaver in our garden. Every summer, a pair of Thick-billed Weavers nest in our neighborhood. We usually see them on the bird tray.  

This is an egg shell that we found in our garden under the weaver colony. 

 A Spectecled Weaver that I saw in my garden. Spectacled Weavers are very similar to Cape Weavers. 

I managed to catch this Pink- backed Pelican diving at the Durban Botanical Gardens. There is an amazing amount of birds there, including Pied Kingfisher, Moorhen, African Spoonbills, Grey Heron, Spur- winged Goose, and Hadeda Ibis.  

A Woollynecked Stork that I got some great picture of at Albert Falls Dam. 

A Cape Vulture at the African Bird of Prey Sanctuary. 

A Chorister Robin in our garden. This littlechap stuck around for a while and I got some great pictures of him. 

This is an Egyptian Vulture at the African Bird of Prey Sanctuary. In all of South Africa, there are only five Egyptian Vultures left, and this is one of them! However, they also live in other countries up North.

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